Almost a week until 60 Days to a Greener Life launches! April 9th is the official release date!
I'm thrilled to announce the book tour. I'm so grateful for so many people who have made this possible, but especially the team at Harper Horizon, a HarperCollins imprint, for making my dream of creating an accessible, easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply green living book come to life.

I can't wait to share this book with you. It's a day reader that makes the overwhelming issue of the climate crisis manageable by providing bite-sized, actionable advice. Of course we need systemic change, but that only happens when individuals act.
We're all important drivers of the necessary culture change so global market and policy solutions actually work. You can take this book day-by-day or go at your own pace. Each day has a new advice on a topic in sustainability and reflection or prompt - sometimes even a QR code to take action right away.
YOU are the hero the earth needs right now. And your future loved ones need you to get involved. It's time for all of us to think about our legacy and what we're leaving the next generation. We can create a better world.
If you are new to climate action, I hope the book serves as a warm welcome into the movement. If you are a veteran activist, I hope it restores and renews your spirit. We can't go it alone.
I'll keep updating the events as the tour continues. Here are the dates so far, and please PRE-ORDER from wherever you love to buy books. The pre-orders help the book have the biggest impact possible.
You can pre-order here! Learn more HERE About the 60 Days to a Greener Life Kickstarter Kit Giveaway here.
Thank you for your support, interest, and commitment to creating a better future for the next generation.