Record heat waves in the UK and India. Wildfires in Spain and France. Fire season is in full force in the American West.
The two biggest questions I get from family and friends are: 1) what do I do with all this horrible climate news? And 2) I want to get involved but HOW?
That’s why I developed the Service Superpower Assessment, wrote my book, and started the nonprofit OneGreenThing. Check out the assessment and find out your strengths in SERVICE to others. Then I match you to plan of action based on your interests and strengths.
We need everyone in this movement.

And of course bringing your reusable bags to the grocery store isn’t going to solve the climate crisis, but neither is hoping that a West Virginia Democrat is going to support national climate legislation.
You matter in climate action. Your behavior & habits can create a powerful culture change for people to think more sustainability and create the momentum for these big policy solutions. We have to have that culture shift to get the solutions at scale.
And despite the depressing news, we are making progress. Gen Z, for example, knows that climate action is mission critical.
Start here to get involved.
Added bonus: in my book, I match you to different nonprofits based on your interests and strengths in service to help you develop your plan for climate action.